Alternative Resolution in case of Disputes
Alternative Resolution in case of Disputes

In accordance with Law n.144/2015, of 8 September of 2015, We have disclosed all Alternative Dispute Resolution Entities that can be contacted in the event of a conflict, when purchasing a product or service referenced on this website.

Worth mentioning, that when necessary, this solution compared to the judicial route is, normally, faster, less protocol and less expensive.

This way, If you are dissatisfied and wish to discuss your situation, you can do so by contacting an Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity.

Alternative Resolution Entities in case of Disputes:

CNIACC – National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts

CIMAL – Information Center, Mediation and Arbitration of Consumer Disputes in the Algarve

CACCDC – Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center of the District of Coimbra

CACCL – Lisbon Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center

CICAP – Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Center

TRIAVE – Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center of Vale do Ave / Tribunal Arbitral

CIAB – Information Center, Consumer Mediation and Arbitration (Consumer Arbitration Court)

CACC-RAM – RAM Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centerício/tabid/292/Default.aspx

CASA – Automotive Sector Arbitration Center

CIMPAS – Information Center, Mediation and Insurance Provider

More information on Consumer Portal –

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R. of the Nautical Club, Edf Pateos from Marina 8125-442 Vilamoura

+351 289 312 688

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Open: 18:30 - 23:30